Monday, 16 December 2013


So...Indie Unicorn had our second flea at CHIJMES The Lawn last Saturday and to sum everything up in one photo, it would be this

Hahaaa...just kidding :P

The weather didn't co-operate on Saturday...rain fell and even the snails came out to play. The weather did make the ground damp BUT! It definitely didn't dampen our spirits...thanks to the people who bought from INDIE UNICORN & CRAFT ON!

So here's what went down on Saturday...

Our henna artist finally makes her first appearance!

Thank You, CHIJMES for the location and forfleasake for organising the flea!

Keep a lookout for updates on when our henna artist will be appearing next if y'all wanna get minions henna-ed onto your hands/arms!

Till next time, unicorns ~!